| 1. | Indifference analysis relies merely on the ability to rank goods in order of preference . 无差异分析只限于个人对各种商品排列一个爱好的程序。 |
| 2. | Control in order of preference 控件的内容。 |
| 3. | Notes : ( 1 ) please number the centres in order of preference " 1 " , " 2 " , " 3 " 备注: (一)请在空格内按中心的优先选择次序填上1 , 2 , 3 |
| 4. | Please register my pacific one net broadband internet and login id / email address in the following order of preference 请按以下之优先次序登记本人之一宽频登入名称 |
| 5. | Web pages are sometimes offered in more than one language . choose languages for displaying these web pages , in order of preference 有些网页提供多国语言版本,可在此设定你的偏好顺序。 |
| 6. | It is recommended that you provide multiple font names , in order of preference , that cover the possibilities available to your users 建议按首选顺序提供多个字体名,包括用户可能使用的任何字体名。 |
| 7. | All students should select their top four topic choices for a first presentation by order of preference before the end of the second week of the semester 所有学生应在这学期第二周周末之前,根据偏好程度为第一份报告选择四个备选主题。 |
| 8. | The order of preference is indicative that respondents generally perceived the mass media as a means for entertainment , rather than for information or self - enrichment 这个次序显示青少年普遍认为大众传媒是娱乐工具,较少透过传媒获取资讯或充实自己。 |
| 9. | The results show that the coherence in a partial belief system means that the assignments of values and degrees of belief are consistent with the ordering of preference 荷兰赌论证意味着,在当事人的不确定信念系统中,有关定性和定量概念之间没有协调性:其价值和信念度赋值是混乱的,并导致非理性决策。 |
| 10. | When an envelope contains a faultcode element , the content of that element should be either one of the fault codes defined in soap 1 . 1 supplying additional information if necessary in the detail element , or a qname whose namespace is controlled by the fault s specifying authority in that order of preference 当信封包含faultcode元素时,该元素的内容应该是soap 1 . 1中定义的fault代码之一(如果在detail元素中必要时,提供额外的信息) ,或者是受fault的指定权限控制(按优先级顺序)的命名空间的qname 。 |